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System Administrator / Users

Managing your systems users

As a System Administrator of a Refernet system, one of your main roles will be to manage your users. Users are the team that access your agency’s system. Primary users can add further users and have control over the agency system details. Non-primary (standard) users can only access the agency system and cannot make any agency system detail changes or add further users.

User list
You can see at a glance the following information when you visit the main user page:

  • Username (this will always be unique to a user)
  • First name – Last name
  • User type standard or primary (primary users will say ‘primary’)
  • Agency assigned to the user
  • Email
  • Avatar (the profile image associated with that user)
  • Edit user
  • Disable/Enable user toggle

Can I delete a user?
Due to the nature of Refernet and how we capture referral traffic and history – it is only possible to disable a user. We believe in a non-destructive method of stopping a user accessing a refernet system and maintaining full information inside a refernet system. If you want to stop a user for accessing Refernet – you can simply toggle them to ‘disabled’.

Can I delete a user?

Due to the nature of Refernet and how we capture referral traffic and history – it is only possible to disable a user. We believe in a non-destructive method of stopping a user accessing a refernet system and maintaining full information inside a refernet system. If you want to stop a user for accessing Refernet – you can simply toggle them to ‘disabled’.

Adding a new user

Adding users to a system is incredibly easy. With a few details you’ll be able to assign a full team in minutes. You’ll need some basic information to enable you to add a user:

  • Agency – which agency is this user going to be part of?
  • Username – this will need to be unique from any other user in your system
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email – this can be a shared email, but we recommend a unique email address per user
  • Password
  • User type – primary or standard

Optional details that you might want to make sure your user fills out once they are able to access the system:

  • Avatar – their profile image
  • Mobile – this will be used for 2 Factor Authentication (if enabled)

When you’ve created a user, they’ll receive an email with all their details in, it is recommended that the user changes their password as soon as  they can from the password that you have suggested for them.

Note: It’s recommended that you create all your agencies first, and then assign users to agencies.